High Capacity SDM
PT. Simoco Indonesia • Jl. Kemanggisan Utama Raya No. 12 Slipi
Jakarta Barat 11480 Indonesia • Phone: +62 21 5334 4222 Fax: +62 21 5334 4222 e-mail: sales@simoco.co.id

High Capacity SD Digital Radios






SD Digital Radio System

The SD digital radio system provides is based on a state of the art Software Defined IDU providing high capacity transmission, flexibility, features, and convenience for wireless networks. The SD point-to-point radio represents a new microwave architecture that is designed to address applications for PDH, SDH, and IP services. This advanced technology platform design provides flexibility for current and future network requirements.

Key product features:
• Universal signal processing platform
Interfaces supporting: 2E1 to 16,32,42,64E1; 100 BaseT/1000 BaseT; STM-0, E3; 1 or 2xSTM-1 with available built in crosspoint STM1/E1 switch
User selectable modulation formats: SPDH – 8 TCM to 64 TCM; SDH – 32,128, or 256 TCM
• Powerful Trellis Coded Modulation concatenated with Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction
• 1+0 and 1+1 reside in a 1U high chassis
• Ring and Consecutive Point architectures
• Superior sensitivity
• 1+1 with hitless Rx protection switching
• Capacity and services can be changed by replacing the I/O module
• Engineering Order Wire
• SNMP management
• Extensive maintenance and operational capabilities

Unimax S155
STM-1 ● 155 Mbps
Digital Microwave Radio

Unimax S155 STM-1 radio system is a full-featured digital microwave radio designed to seamlessly incorporate radio links into a fiber-based SDH network. The Unimax S155 radio system is available in a variety of frequencies from 6 GHz to 40 GHz. The Unimax S155 uses a proprietary ASIC modem technology with a very high level of integration to attain cost, perfomance, and reliability objectives that are unmatched in the industry. The system features a fully compliant SDH regenerator and provides additional benefits including automatic protection switching, management, and integration with existing SDH element management systems.

The Unimax S155 radio system exceeds carrier-grade standards for reliability, quality, and environmental compliance.

Key Product Features:
• 128 QAM for maximum spectrum utilization
• Superior sensitivity
• 1+0 or 1+1 with "hitless"Rx protection switching
• E1 wayside channel plus EOW and user data channels
• Engineering Order Wire and auxiliary data channels
• SNMP management with routing
• Optional Element Management System.


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